24-17: FHLMC 2023-19 Transition to Uniform Property Dataset (UPD)


Pennymac is aligning with the updates to the Uniform Property Dataset (UPD) as announced in Freddie Mac Bulletin 2023-19. Freddie Mac is transitioning from the Freddie Mac Property Dataset (PDR v2.0) the UPD. The UPD was made available as an option for use in completing PDRs effective with applications dated on or after 12/1/2023.

Beginning with applications dated on or after 4/1/2024, lenders will be required to use the UPD and must submit PDRs to Freddie Mac using the bACE API. The Freddie Mac Property Dataset (PDR v2.0) will no longer be accepted.

As a reminder, the PDR must always be retained in the mortgage file.

Please contact your Sales Representative with any questions.