16-39: Routing Post Purchase Insurance Documents


At times, correspondents receive communications from insurance carries for loans already sold to PennyMac.   Examples of these communications are:

  • Pending insurance cancellation for non-payment or underwriting issues
  • Outstanding premiums due
  • Declaration page with updated Mortgagee Clause. 

Please send these documents and notices directly to the PennyMac insurance group through one of the three channels listed below:

Mail:  (Please include PennyMac loan number)

One Assurant Way

Springfield, Ohio 45505

Attention: PennyMac


Fax:  (Please include PennyMac loan number)

(866) 235-1215


Email PDF documents:  (Please include PennyMac loan number)

Send email to ["Insurance"].

Please contact your Sales Representative with any questions.