17-65: Update to the BE Rate Sheet Interest Rate Structure for Conventional 25/30 Yr Fixed Products


Effective Tuesday, January 2, 2018, the 4.060% interest rate will no longer appear on the PennyMac Rate Sheet for Conventional 25/30 Yr Fixed Products, and the 5.250% note rate will be reintroduced for these products. The following Best Effort grids will be impacted by this shift in published interest rates:

Updated Product Grids

  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed High Balance
  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed >200K
  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed >175K and <= 200K
  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed >150K and <= 175K
  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed >125K and <= 150K
  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed >110K and <= 125K
  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed >85K and <= 110K
  • Conventional 25/30Yr Fixed <= 85K

Please contact your Sales Representative with any questions.